Blog about SFI - internet marketing company. Everything you need to know about making money online.

ponedjeljak, 30. prosinca 2013.

Why is good to have blog doing this job

Having your own blog doing this business is almost "must have" thing. I will explain my reasons to think that.

1. It is easier to promote on Facebook.
If you started to promote SFI business on Facebook, you probably noticed that you cannot share your Gateways links there. Why? Facebook will block your Gateways links all the time because someone has spammed with their links and now nobody cannot put even one link. Because of that, it is great to have your own blog with at least basic information about business. You can post whatever you want and change or edit posts anytime.

2. It is easier to promote anywhere.
Anywhere, anytime, it is easier to promote with blog. It is easier to put link of your blog in your advertisement with all important details than write long ads every time.

3. Save your time.
If you started seriously with this job, you probably noticed that you have so much to do but such a short time to do everything. In my case is like that. I wish my day is sometimes at lease 35 hours long. :)
If you have blog, you should not write every time same thing to explain something. You will save your time every time you promote and every time you are trying to introduce someone with job.

4. It will be easier for you to be great Sponsor.
People have so many questions about this job. And this is absolutely normal. After some time, you will notice what are the most asked questions - write answers on your blog and you will save your time again. Be sponsor with answer, always!

5. Your ads will have explanation.

when you start to work with people, you will notice that they want to know EVERYTHING. Especially when you talk about their potential job and their time. You cannot put everything in your advertisement, but if you provide blog link, your ad will have excellent explanation.

What I am trying to say? It is very important to save your time and make your job as easier as possible. Sometimes you get over 10 requests in same time - if you have your blog, it will be easy to handle with that. Be smart, save your time and make your job easy - time is money.

Choice is still yours. This is my TOP 5 reasons why is good to have your own blog doing this business. Do you have some other reasons or you think it is not necessary to have blog? Share your opinion with me. :)

We are building success together!

Silvija Pavličić
Bronze Team Leader

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